Chanos on China

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Chanos on China, posted with vodpod
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2 Responses to Chanos on China

  1. J says:

    An extremely poor clip – for a blog like that that always has interesting stats/posts/insight, I have to say that I’m disappointed. Bo Xilai marketed himself as a Maoist but wore expensive suits, his son goes to Harvard (and was educated at Oxford). He drives a Ferrari in Beijing. NOT very Maoist. Of course in a one party dictatorship will have opacity in its legal system that will have goings ons that we don’t know about – heck we have that in the U.S!. The hosts seem extremely clueless and it renders CNBC a joke. No one expects them to be experts, but things like facebook have been blocked for years and most know about it. These guys come off surprised. Chanos comes off ok, himself I guess.

    • macromon says:

      J, Thanks for the comments. We agree about the CNBC ignorance, but do think Chanos is voice that should be heard, so thought it was worth posting. Cheers.

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