Soros: Regime Change in Iran, Bond Crisis is U.S.

Fareed Zakaria discusses current events with George Soros on today’s GPS.   Click here for the entire interview.   It’s well worth your time.

Money Quotes:

Comparison 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall and Middle East Uprisings

SOROS: It is very similar. It’s — it’s a historic event, at least equal in importance to what happened then. And it — it really is a spontaneous desire of people living in closed societies to shake off the dictatorship and — and corrupt regimes, and to move towards democracy.

The big difference between 1989 and now is that there it was a — the Soviet dictatorship that was collapsing. Here, its our allies that — that are changing. And now we have to actually regain the confidence and alliance of the people in these countries.

The big difference between 1989 and now is that there it was a — the Soviet dictatorship that was collapsing. Here, its our allies that — that are changing. And now we have to actually regain the confidence and alliance of the people in these countries.

SOROS: Yes. But, I must say that in this respect, President Obama did an — an outstanding job. It’s — it’s not sufficiently appreciated. Really, what a big difference it was that he was — he is our president at this time.
Just imagine if Bush and Cheney would have been in charge. I don’t think you would have had a peaceful revolution in Egypt.


I would like to bet that the Iranian regime will not be there in a year’s time.

U.S. Economy

ZAKARIA: Now, you know what the Republicans will say. They say that if we don’t do this, we will face a crisis because we are borrowing all this money and the bond market wouldn’t let us the money.

Now, you are maybe the world’s leader expert on this subject because you — you have literally accumulated a fortune of tens of billions of dollars figuring out when bond markets will — will support governments and when they wouldn’t. When you look at the U.S. government right now, do you think it is in danger of facing a crisis where it wouldn’t be able to borrow any more, that the bond market will — will punish it?

SOROS: Yes. That’s more or less in — in the cards because — because we are not applying fiscal stimulus because the ideology is that the governments can’t do anything right, right? So we can’t expect the government to — to help.

So you have vital resources, and the Federal Reserve is providing quantitative easing. Well, I think when it expires they wouldn’t do any — wouldn’t give it any more, but it does create access, money supply, and — and when you stop pushing money into the economy, interest rates are going to go up. And it will be the rise of interest rates that is going to choke off the economic recovery.

ZAKARIA: So you foresee a rise in interest rates in — in the United States which will kill growth?

SOROS: That’s right.

Tea Party

ZAKARIA: What do you think of this broader movement of the Tea Party, of — of what’s going on on the right?

SOROS: Look, I think the people in the Tea Party are very decent people, hard-working. They’ve been hit by a force that — that comes from somewhere which they can’t fully understand, and — and they are being misled. And they are misled by people who are using it for their selfish purposes, namely to remove regulations and — and reduce taxation. So reduce taxation and regulation, and they are being used and deceived.

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